Hi ladies, Do you know the satisfaction of one's thirst by drinking water? That's apply on my skin and yours too. Hydration is very must important in our daily life. No matter how much you're drinking or how much products you put on your skin, you'll never know until you get it tested. I'm sharing with you my recent facial experience with Murad at Empire Subang branch. Why you should get your facial skin tested? You should know what's your skin type and what's your main skin concern. Like mine I have dry to combination skin type and sometimes with acne on and off. Surprisingly with Murad Youth Cam revealed that I have pigmentation to worry more in the future as it is doesn't showing off now on my skin yet. If you know those called age spot or dark spot that will hardly go away on the skin. Why Murad facial spa? If you do not know about Murad yet, Murad is an US dermatologist that won numerous awards for his skin ...