Aesthetic treatment what is the first things come out in your mind?
Lasers, botox or fillers and etc. It's a safe procedure? Do you really need their help to solve your skin problem? What I'm going to share with you is my first aesthetic treatment experience at Premier Clinic, TTDI. Check it out here. (Thanks to Kay Tan for the invitation.)
aes·thet·ics a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art.
Licensed by the Malaysia Ministry of Health, Premier Clinic offers an extensive range menu of aesthetic treatments to help you attain your desired perfection in beauty and health. Premier Clinic is equipped with modern technology, advanced machines and credentialed doctors with specialised knowledge in aesthetic medicine.
Appointment done and I'm so excited to visit Premier Clinic at TTDI. Upon arrival, there is the RESERVED PARKING for the customers only which is free and convenient right in front of the clinic doorstep.
TTDI Branch:
31 Jalan Wan Kadir 2, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000, Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603-77325552
Hours: Tues-Sat : 10am - 7pm
Bangsar Branch:
40 Jalan Telawi, Bangsar Baru, 59100, Kuala Lumpur.
Hours: Mon:2-7pm. Tues- Sat: 10am -7pm
31 Jalan Wan Kadir 2, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000, Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603-77325552
Hours: Tues-Sat : 10am - 7pm
Bangsar Branch:
40 Jalan Telawi, Bangsar Baru, 59100, Kuala Lumpur.
Hours: Mon:2-7pm. Tues- Sat: 10am -7pm
Consulting Dr Kee Yong Seng, he said my skin condition look good overall. Despite of taking good care on my skin, I do some times have a problem with the pimples. What make it worsen is I cannot bear not to touch and pinch out my pimples and leave scar. On top of it, I do have oil seeds that stay there like a bumps. Dr Kee has suggested to me to perform an aesthetic treatment procedure and the effects have been fully explained.
Dr Kee Yong Seng graduated from the University Sains Malaysia with a degree in Medicine. Dr Kee is a credentialed LCP (Letter of Credentialing & Privileging) Medical Aesthetic Practitioner in Malaysia.His postgraduate qualifications include Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine from the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, Diploma in Primary Care Dermatology from Institute of Dermatology Bangkok and Graduate Certificate Dermatological in Primary Care from the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia.Dr Kee Yong Seng is a member of Society of Anti-Aging, Aesthetics & Regenerative Medicine Malaysia (SAAARMM) and American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM).
After consultation in the waiting room, a staff nurses then attended to me to take consent before the procedure. I was able to asked questions regarding the procedure and she was also able to explain to clear my doubt. They are certainly well qualified and experienced staff working.
Moving to the procedure room, photo taking is a must as consented earlier before started
for all the customers. As you can see on my fore head there is small oil seeds appeared, right cheek severe pimples scar and on top of it bigger size of oil seeds, and left cheek an another pimples scar that doesn't goes away. I'm kinda feeling scared too and hope there is no complications arise from the aesthetics procedure.
Pre-procedure started with removing my make up and cleaning the face. After that, local analgesic cream in white as you see was applied to my face. If you're really scared of the pain during the procedure, please ask or request for local analgesics to be applied before the procedure started.
Dr Kee performing CO2 laser and electro cautery treatment by removing the oil seeds on my forehead and the right cheek. During the treatment, there is a burning smell from the cauterization procedure. I was informed that after the treatment, the area will have a formation of scab after a few days.
Next, Medlite C6 Q switch laser treatment on my pimples scar at the both cheek to help to lighten the scar. Dr Kee also found a mild moustache and laser on it. What I felt was it's quite sting on it without the local analgesic applied to the area.
After the treatment, a cold towel applied to my face first to help the cooling down the side effects of the laser procedure. A LED light treatment then applied on my face to help skin revitalization. Notes,protective eye wear must be worn during the whole procedure to prevent eye injury causing by the laser light.
Lastly, moisturiser and sun protection was applied on my face. Post care instructions also have been advised to me to increase healing time for optimal result and to reduce the chance of complications.
After the procedure, I found the oil seeds had flatten away but the pimples scar was
still there. A medications in white cream was given to me to applied at the scab area.
Right now after the treatment for almost two weeks,I can find that the scab area has been healing and the pimples scar has lighten but it doesn't fade away. For me, it does helpful to treat your skin problem as far as you concern from PREMIER CLINIC.
To enjoy 10% discount at PREMIER CLINIC for treatment,
you may quote my name 'LEE YANN' from
'missy forward beauty' blog upon arrival.
For more information on PREMIER CLINIC
Customer Service/WhatsApp: +60-12-6625552
Email: contactus@premier-clinic.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Premier.Aesthetic
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